University Examinations & Internal Assessment
University examinations are held at the end of each Semester in November and May. Promotion to the next class depends on passing the University examinations.
ORDINANCE VIII-E: Internal Assessment
1.1. The scheme for Internal Assessment shall be followed in the regular stream only. The specific Ordinances pertaining to schemes of examinations of various courses shall stand amended, mutatis mutandis, to the extent of internal assessment as laid down in this Ordinance.
1.2. Internal Assessment marks shall be shown separately in the Marks Sheet issued by the University and these marks shall be added to the annual/semester examination marks for determining the division of the student. 2 25% of the maximum marks in each paper in undergraduate courses shall be assigned for Internal Assessment and the remaining 75% marks for the annual/semester University Examination; the time duration and other modalities of the annual/semester Examination with respect to this 75% component shall remain as per existing schemes of examination for various undergraduate courses.
2.1.1. For the Annual Examination Scheme, there shall be 10% weightage assigned to House Examinations to be conducted by each college, for all subjects in B.A., B.Com. and B.Sc. courses and all papers of the Main Subject in Honours courses. For the Semester Examination Scheme, there shall be 10% weightage assigned to Class Test(s)/Quiz(s) to be conducted by each college, for all subject in B.A., B.Com. and B.Sc. courses and all papers of the Main Subject in Honours courses.
2.2.1. Each student shall be assessed on the basis of written assignments/tutorials as well as on the basis of project reports/term papers/seminars. There shall be 10% weightage for such written assignment; and project reports/presentations/term papers/seminars. Each student shall be given at least one written assignment per paper in each term / semester.
2.2.2. There shall be 5% weightage for regularity in attending lectures and tutorials, and the credit for regularity in each paper, based on attendance, shall be as follows :
- More than 67% but less than 70% - 1 mark,
- 70% or more but less than 75% - 2 marks
- 75% or more but less than 80% - 3 marks,
- 80% or more but less than 85% - 4 marks
- 85% and above - 5 marks
[Medical certificates shall be excluded while calculating credit towards marks to be awarded for regularity, though such certificates shall continue to be taken into account for the purpose of calculating eligibility to appear for examinations as per the existing provisions of Ordinance VII.2.9.(a)(ii).]
3. The promotion crieteria shall be as per the existing Ordinances for University Examinations, as applicable to respective courses. In addition, the same criteria shall apply to the total of the University Examination and the Internal Assessment, taken together.
4. Pass Percentage & Promotion Criteria
4.1.1 The minimum marks required to pass any paper in a semester shall be 40% in theory and 40% in Practical, wherever applicable. The student must secure 40% in the End Semester Examination and 40% in the Total of End Semester Examination & Internal Assessment of the paper for both theory & practical separately.
4.1.2 A student shall be eligigle for promotion from 1st year to 2nd year of the course provided she/he has passed 50% papers of I and II semester taken together.
4.1.3 Similarly, a student (irrespective of Part I results) shall be eligible for promotion from 2nd year to 3rd year of the course provided she/he has passed 50% paper of III and IV semesters taken together.
4.1.4 Students who deo not fulfill the promotion criteria (b) & (c) above shall be declared fail in the Part concerned. However, they shall have the option to retain the marks in the papers in which they have secured Pass marks as per Clause (a) above.
4.1.5 5 A student who has to reappear in a paper prescribed for Semester I/III V may do so only in the semester examinations to be held in November/December. A student who has to reappear in a paper prescribed for Semester II/IV/VI may do so only in the examination to be held in April/May.
4.2 Reappearance in passed papers :
4.2.1 A student may reapper in any theory paper prescribed for a semester, on foregoing in writing her/his previous performance in the paper/s concerned. This can be done in the immediate subsequent semester examination only (for example, a student reappearing in a paper prescribed for Semester I examination, may do so along with subsequent Semester III examination and not along with papers for Semester V).
4.2.2 A candidate who has cleared the papers of Part III (V & VI Semester) may reappear in any paper of V or VI Semester only once, at the immediate subsequent examination on foregoing in writing her/ his previous performance the paper/s concerned, within the prescribed span period. (Note: The candidate of this category will not be allowed to join any postgraduate courses).
4.2.3 In the case of reappearance in a paper, the result will be prepared on the basis of candidate's current performance in the examination.
4.2.4 In the case of a candidate, who opts to re-appear in any paper/s under the aforesaid provisions, on surrendering her/his earlier performance but fails to reapper in the paper/s concerned, the marks previsouly secured by the candidate in the paper/s in which she/he has failed to re-appear shall be taken into account while determining her/his result of the examination held currently.
4.2.5 Reappearance in Practical examinations shall not be allowed.
4.2.6 A studen who reappears in a paper shall carry forwared the internal assessment marks, originally awarded.
4.3 Division Criteria : A student who passes all the papers prescribed for Semester I to Semester VI examinations whould be eligible for the degree. Such a student shall be categorized on the basis of the combined result of Semester I to Semester VI examinations as follows:-
- 60% or more First Division
- 50% more but less than 60% Second Division
- 40% more but less than 50% Third Division
5. In the case of a student who is selected as a member of the N.C.C. to participate in the annual N.C.C. Camps or is deputed to undertake Civil Defence work and allied duties, or in the case of a student who is enrolled in the National Service Scheme and is deputed to various public assignments by or with the approval of the Head of the institution concerned, or a student who is selected to participate in sports or other activities organized by the Inter-University Board or in national or international fixtures in games and sports approved by theVice- Chancellor, or a student who is required to represent the University at the Inter-University Youth Festival, or a student who is required to participate in periodical training in the Territorial Army, or a student who is deputed by the College to take part in Inter-College sports, fixtures, debates, seminars, symposia or social work projects, or a student who is required to represent the College concerned in debates and other extracurricular activities held in other Universities or such other activities approved by the Vice- Chancellor, the following provision will apply :
5.1. A student in the categories listed above, will have to fulfil the requirement of written assignments and projects/termpapers/seminars/field-work with the flexibility, however, that he/she may, if necessary, be allowed additional time for submission of written assignments.
5.2 A student in the categories listed above, who is unable to write the House Examination / Class Test(s)/Quiz(s) on account of his/her participation in such aforesaid activities, may be assessed by the College through an alternative mode. This may be done only in exceptional circumstances.
5.3 A student in the categories listed above, will get the benefit of attendance for Internal Assessment for the classes missed as per the existing provisions of Ordinance VII.2.(9)(a)(i).
6 The University reserves the right to review, and if necessary moderate the marks in Internal Assessment in any paper/ papers in any College/ Department.