Pratibha- Foundation Classes for Competitive Exams

JDMC-IQAC PRATIBHA: Foundation Classes for Competitive Exams
The motto of PRATIBHA: Foundation Classes for Competitive Exams is to adding value to the formal education of students who are studying at the University of Delhi, to orient and equip students with the necessary knowledge, skill-set, aptitude, and attitude needed to prepare for various competitive examinations and to empower students and maximise their potential to get results in the competitive exams. The classes are open to all the bona fide as well as ex-students of the University of Delhi. Since its inception in 2018, it has successfully provided orientation and guidance to the current as well as ex-students.
The PRATIBHA classes strive to provide constant support and guidance to the students who are willing to prepare for various competitive examinations conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), State Public Service Commissions, etc. with a vision to enable them to secure their cherished career with the regular studies. It attempts to provide a platform for students from various socio-economic backgrounds to realise their aspirations. It also aims to build character and raise the capabilities of students by providing them with the basic knowledge and proper guidance of various concepts leading them towards their desired goals.
To realise the above mentioned Vision, the Pratibha classes aim,
- To orient the students to discover their hidden talent and abilities with good quality and innovative teaching techniques, so as to ensure that they are ready to face challenges of various competitive examinations after completing their studies.
- To nurture young and passionate minds of the students such that they can realise their fullest potential.
- To inspire and support financially weak, but deserving students so that they can join the Pratibha Foundation Classes.
- To conduct mock tests, mock tests discussions and personalized mentoring/guidance sessions to familiarise students with the nature and pattern of the competitive exams.
- To inspire students to become good citizens and to motivate them to render selfless service to society and the nation by joining various public services.
PRATIBHA: Foundation Classes for Competitive Exams is managed through the core committee as follows:
Patron: Prof. Swati Pal (Principal)
Convenor: Dr. Md. Zubeer Ahmed
Treasurer: Ms. Khachungla Chalhang
Members: Mr. Ahirrao Dinesh Bharat and Mr. Raju Keshari, Dr. Shilpa Chaudhary (Ex-officio, IQAC Convener)
The tenure of each post is for a period of two years, extendable only if required.
The classes will cover the following modules:
- 1. General orientation about competitive exams
- 2. Newspaper and magazine reading for current affairs and how to prepare for Multiple Choice
- Questions (MCQ’s)
- 3. How to write descriptive answers
- 4. Essay Writing
- 5. Body language skills
- 6. Personality Test
- 7. Concepts of Economics: GDP, GNP, NNP, PPP
- 8. Economic planning in India
- 9. Inflation and Taxation
- 10. Stock market and Capital market
- 11. Government policies and schemes
- 12. E-governance
- 13. Verbal ability
- 14. Comprehension
- 15. Map Pointing
- 16. Continental drift theory and plate tectonics
- 17. Monsoon formation
- 18. Types of climate
- 19. Distribution of major minerals
- 20. Indus Valley Civilisation
- 21. Art and architecture under Mauryan and post Mauryan period
- 22. Culture and religion under Gupta period
- 23. Temple architecture
- 24. Art and architecture under Mughals
- 25. Colonial economic policy
- 26. Land revenue system
- 27. Social reform movements in 19th century
- 28. Partition of Bengal
- 29. Non-cooperation movement
- 30. Civil disobedience movement
- 31. Quit India movement
- 32. American and French Revolutions
- 33. Industrialisation
- 34. First World War
- 35. Second World War
- 36. The key features of the Indian Constitution and Preamble
- 37. Fundamental Rights
- 38. Directive Principles of State Policy
- 39. Indian Parliament
- 40. Parliamentary Committees
- 41. Budget making process in India
- 42. Law making process in India
- 43. Constitutional bodies
- 44. Judiciary and Judicial activism
- 45. Emergency provisions
- 46. Centre-State relations
- 47. Statutory and non-statutory bodies
- 48. India and its neighbours
- 49. UN and its agencies
- 50. UN Reforms
- 51. Globalisation
- 52. Non-traditional security threats
- 53. Nuclear Disarmament and Nuclear Non-Proliferation
- 54. Regional organisations: EU, ASEAN, SCO and SAARC
- 55. Regional organisations: BRICS, BIMSTEC, etc.
- 56. Important Inter-state (international) conflicts-I
- 57. Important Inter-state (international) conflicts-II
- 58. WTO
- 59. World Bank and IMF
- 60. Technological achievements in India: Aerospace and Defence
- 61. Biodiversity
- 62. Climate change and Environment
- 63. Renewable and Non-renewable energy
- 64. Problems on numbers and ages
- 65. Ratio-Proportion and Percentage
- 66. Profit and Loss
- 67. Time and Work
- 68. Time and Distance
- 69. Interest problems
- 70. Land Reforms after Independence
- 71. Disaster Management
- 72. Caste related issues in India
- 73. Gender related issues in India
- 74. Tribal issues in India
- 75. Urbanisation, its problems and remedies
- 76. Agrarian issues (since 1991)
- 77. Impact of globalisation on Indian Society
- 78. Sustainable Development
- 79. Green revolution, Blue revolution, etc.
- 80. Social movements (Peasant, Tribal and Women’s movements)
- 80. Blood Relations
- 81. sdfsfsd
- 82. Basic Structure Doctrine
- 83. Western Political Thought : Plato Part 1
- 84. Plato Part 2
- 85. Aristotle Part 1
- 86. Aristotle Part 2
- 87. Machiavelli Part 1
- 88. Machiavelli Part 2
- 89. Hobbes Part 1
- 90. Hobbes Part 2
- 91. Locke Part 1
- 92. Locke Part 2
- 93. Rousseau Part 1
- 94. Rousseau Part 2
- 95. Jeremy Bentham
- 96. John S. Mill Part 1
- 97. John S. Mill Part 2
- 98. Marx Part 1
- 99. Marx Part 2
- 100. Gramsci Part 1
- 101. Gramsci Part 2
- 102. Hannah Arendt Part 1
- 103. Hannah Arendt Part 2
- 104. Harold Laski
- 105. Political Theory: Meaning and Approaches Part 1
- 106. Political Theory: Meaning and Approaches Part 2
- 107. Political Theory: Meaning and Approaches Part 3
- 108. Theories of State Part 1
- 109. Theories of State Part 2
- 110. Justice Part 1
- 111. Justice Part 2
- 112. Equality Part 1
- 113. Equality Part 2
- 114. Rights Part 1
- 115. Rights Part 2
- 116. Democracy Part 1
- 117. Democracy Part 2
- 118. Concept of Power Part 1
- 119. Concept of Power Part 2
- 120. Political Ideologies Part 1
- 121. Political Ideologies Part 2
- 122. Political Ideologies Part 3
- 123. Indian Political Thought Part 1
- 124. Indian Political Thought Part 2
- 125. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
- 126. Sir Aurobindo
- 127. M. K. Gandhi Part 1
- 128. M.K. Gandhi Part 2
- 129. B.R. Ambedkar Part 1
- 130. B.R.Ambedkar Part 2
- 131. M.N. Roy
- 132. Comparative Politics Part 1
- 133. Comparative Politics Part 2
- 134. State in Comparative Perspective Part 1
- 135. State in Comparative Perspective Part 2
- 136. Politics of Representation and Participation Part 1
- 137. Politics of Representation and Participation Part 2
- 138. Approaches of Globalisation
- 139. Approaches to the Study of International Relations Part 1
- 140. Approaches to the Study of International Relations Part 2
- 141. Key Concepts in International Relations Part 1
- 142. Key Concepts in International Relations Part II