Right to Information
Public Information Officer
Dr. Jitender Gill
Associate Professor
Janki Devi Memorial College
Emailid: jgill@jdm.du.ac.in
Appellate Authority
Prof. Swati Pal
Janki Devi Memorial College
Emailid: principal@jdm.du.ac.in
The Right to Information Act 2005 intends to set out the practical regime of Right to Information of citizens to enable them to access the information under the control of public authority in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of such authority.
Section 2(h) of the Act defines "public authority" as any authority or body or institution of self-governance established or constituted-
- by or under the Constitution;
- by any other law made by the Parliament;
- by any other law made by State Legislature;
- by notification issued or order made by the appropriate Government and includes any
- body owned, controlled or substantially financed;
- non-government organization substantially financed, directly or indirectly by funds provided by the appropriate Government.
In accordance with the provisions contained in section 2(j) of the Act, "Right to Information" means the right to information accessible under this Act which is held by or under the control of any public authority and include the right to
- inspection of work, documents, records;
- taking notes, extracts or certified copies of documents or records;
- taking certified samples of material;
- obtaining information in the form of diskettes, floppies, tapes, video cassettes or in any other electronic mode or through printouts where such information is stored in a computer or in any other device.
Section 4(1)(b)(i)
Particulars of Organization
a) Brief History
The college was founded in 1959 by the famous Gandhian Shri Brij Krishan Chandiwala in memory of his mother Smt. Janki Devi in order to promote women's education. In recognition of the changing global scenario the college has changed its priorities and perspectives which is amply reflected in the syllabi and curricula. The college essentially caters to students of Humanities and Commerce streams.
The expansion of the college over the years has been phenomenal. The strength of the student community has swelled to nearly 2000 from all over the country and the college has a distinguished and highly qualified faculty.
JDMC students have been showing their mettle in academics, extra and co-curricular activities and sports bagging top University positions, scholarships, medals and prizes.
Over the years the college has built up an impressive infrastructure consisting of a fully automated library system, a computer centre, a well equipped seminar room, an open air auditorium, a modern cafeteria, a medical room headed by a highly qualified doctor, a sports room with all possible facilities and modernized office block.
b) Objective
* JDMC aims at holistic development of women through carefully design academic programmes and extra-curricular and co-curricular activities.
c) Mission
* JDMC, a premier women's college of University of Delhi, endeavours to promote enduring knowledge which is global in its perspective and yet local in its relevance. Students are challenged & inspired to pursue excellence in liberal and performing arts, humanities, commerce and sports, in an environment which is vibrant & constantly evolving. Founded with a vision to empower women, JDMC continues to strive to help its students to develop a capacity to think, lead and change the world.
d) Vision
JDMC's vision for the next decade is to fulfill the educational needs of women students from all sections of society, to groom them and to hone their talents and to make them independent women of substance and worth.
To make women independent and enable them to earn self esteem. At JDMC, we will continue to empower our students academically, while teaching them to live in harmony with the environment. The college has a Women's Development Centre and Women's Studies Resource Centre in the Library to provide data on women's studies.
Particulars of Functions/Duties
Duties of the College
Conducting teaching through Lectures, Tutorials for Under-Graduate students in the field of Humanities, Commerce & Mathematics; for Post Graduate Courses in English, Philosophy, Hindi, Mathematics, Sanskrit, Political Science & History; and various co-curricular activities.
Details of the Service Rendered
- Conducting examinations in the above mentioned streams.
- Opportunities for holistic development through seminars, discussion forums,, exhibitions, symposium, workshop & educational trips.
- Provision of sports & recreational facilities.
- Designing & conducting short-term add-on courses in Journalism, Women's Studies & English Language Proficiency Course.
- Instituting awards, scholarships, fellowship & financial assistance.
- Providing co-curricular activities including Dance Club, Music Club, Drama Club, Debating Society, NCC, NSS, WDC & Gandhi Study Circle.
- We organize cultural events which enable students to explore opportunities and express their creativity.
- We provide first aid to students
Section 4(1)(b)(ii)
Organization & Administrative Machinery
* A Governing Body, constituted by the Executive Council, Delhi University to administer the affairs of the college, as follows:
- 10 persons nominated by the Sh. Chandiwala Sewa Smarak Trust Society and appointed by the VC.
- Two University Representative people appointed by the VC.
- The Principal of the college (ex-officio) Member-Secretary
- Not less than five and not more than eight members appointed by the Executive Council.
- Two members of the teaching staff by the rotation according to seniority for a term of one year. One of the teachers' representatives shall be from among those with more than ten years service; and one from among those with less than ten years service. If however, eligible candidates are not available in one of those categories, both the representatives may be taken from the other.
Powers & Duties of the Officers & Employees
Principal | Academic & Executive Head of the Institution | The Principal is the Academic and Executive Head of the Institution. The Principal is responsible for appropriate administration and management of the affairs of the College. The Principal performs her duties as stipulated in the University Calender Ordinance XVII. |
Bursar | In charge of Accounts Department | Supervise the maintenance of various college financial and property accounts and their audit. Responsible for assigning work and proper functioning of the staff in accounts department and their discipline. Any other duties assigned by the Principal |
Section Officer (Accounts) | To report to the bursar on all Account matters | Responsible for supervision of the day to day functioning of the Accounts Section |
Section Officer (Admin) | In charge of Administration Department | Day to day running of the Admin Office. Discipline and functioning of non-teaching and class IV staff, maintenance of administrative records and any other duties assigned by the Principal. |
- The powers and duties of other authorities are also conducted according to the University Calender.
- List of Teaching Staff
- List of Non-teaching Staff
Section 4(1)(b)(iii)
Procedures followed in Decision Making are Governed by the following
- Rules & Regulations laid down in Delhi University Calender.
- Annual Bulletin of Information for Admission published by Delhi University.
- Decision of the Governing Body
- Conduct Rules of Delhi University for non-teaching staff.
- College Prospectus
Section 4(1)(b)(iv)
Norms set by the college for the discharge of its functions:
The Governing Body and Staff Council set the norms and standards followed by the college for the discharge of its functions.
The staff council is the academic body of the college. It overseas the academic affairs and exercises control in academic & related matters. The staff council subject to the provision of Delhi University Act 1922 as per which it is responsible for the maintenance of the standard of education and examination and other academic matters of the college.
Section 4(1)(b)(v)
Rules, Regulations & Instructions used:
- Statutes of the college as contemplated under Ordinance XX University Maintained Colleges.
- Regulations/instructions for admission regarding all the courses (under-graduate/postgraduate) in accordance with University of Delhi notification.
- University Non-teaching Employees (Terms & Conditions of Service) Rules, 1971
- Various rules/instructions concerning personnel management for the teaching and non-teaching staff working in the college.
- Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules of Government of India except where the university has its own provisions with regard to teaching and non-teaching staff.
Section 4(1)(b)(vi)
Official Documents and their availability
- College Prospectus (on payment)
- Delhi University Bulletin of Admissions
- Information Handbook under RTI Act 2005
- Principal's Annual Report
- Records of Internal Assessment
- Examination Results
- College Time-Table
- Admission Register
- Exam Schedule
- Attendance Record
- Audit Report
- Salary Register
- Other Accounts related documents
- Purchased Books
- Gifted Books
- Journals/Magazines
- Loose Issues
- Bound Volumes
- Syllabus
- Question Papers - Bound year wise
- Records regarding the requirement of visually challenged students:
- Screen Reading Software
- Audio Recorders
- CD Players
- Books in Broille form
- CD's and Cassettes of Music
Section 4(1)(b)(vii)
Mode of Public Participation for formulation and implementation of Policies
* The Governing Body of the college comprises of two eminent persons nominated by VC from diverse fields.
Section 4(1)(b)(viii)
Statement of Boards, Councils, Committees
- The College Governing Body as per University Calendar Ordinance XVIII.
- Staff Council as per University Calender Ordinance XVIII
The following is the detailed list of committees of the above mentioned:
Governing Body | |||
» | Finance Committee | » | Housing Committee |
» | Provident Fund Committee | » | Leave Committee |
» | Development Committee | » | |
Staff Council | |||
» | Prospectus Committee | » | Time-table Committee |
» | Annual Report Committee | » | Attendance Committee |
» | Pre-Admission Counseling Committee | » | Examination Committee |
» | Admission Committee | » | Library Committee |
» | Garden Committee | » | Purchase Committee |
» | Magazine Committee | » | Development Committee |
» | Prize Distribution Committee | » | Canteen Committee |
» | College Website & Internet Connection Committee | » | Discipline Committee |
» | Academic Supervisory Committee | » | Alumni Committee |
» | IA - Moderation & Monitoring Committee | » | Placement Committee |
» | Anti Ragging Committee | » | Sexual Harassment Committee |
Section 4(1)(b)(ix)
Directory of the staff with their addresses is available in the office in the print form.
Section 4(1)(b)(x)
Monthly Remuneration received by the employees
* The teaching & non-teaching staff are remunerated as per UGC prescribed pay scales.
Section 4(1)(b)(xi)
Budget Allocated
* The Budgets and Financial Estimates as approved by the Governing Body under University Guidelines.
Section 4(1)(b)(xii)
Not applicable to the institution
Section 4(1)(b)(xiii)
Concessions Granted by the College
- Twenty percent of the students of the college, in addition to those belonging to SC/ST, are eligible for fee concessions. Application form for stipends are available in the office.
- Concessions for Handicapped Students : A special stipend for handicapped students is available. Please contact the College Office.
- The Students' Aid Fund renders financial assistance in the form of bus fare, fees for college sponsored vocational programmes and books on a long term loan from the Book Bank in the library.
- The University awards All India Entrance Scholarships (50 in number) worth Rs. 250 per month each. The scholarships are to be awarded on the basis of a test in October. The last date for applying is September 1, 2008. Details are available from Room No. 61, Examination Branch VII main University Campus.
- 22.5% of the total number of seats are reserved for candidates belonging to scheduled castes / scheduled tribes (15% under scheduled castes and 7.5% under scheduled tribes)
- All SC /ST students whose guardians are not assessed for income tax can avail of reimbursement of tuition fees after admission.
- SC /ST students are given books from the Library.
- Scholarships are also awarded to these students on the basis of merit - cum - need, as per DU rules.
- Special attention is given to them in Tutorials and Preceptorials process
- 5% seats have been reserved for students with proficiency in Sports. Students under this category must fill the sports application form along with the admission form and attach copies of the relevant certificates duly attested by the Principal of the Institution last attended. They will appear along with their original certificates for a sports test on 16th and 19th June 2009 at 8.00 a.m. in the sports ground.
- 5% of the total number of seats in each of the courses have been reserved for the children of the officers and men of the Armed Forces, including paramilitary personnel, killed or disabled in action in wars from 1947- 48 onwards. Registration of such candidates will be done by the University as per Schedule.
- Physically handicapped students (including the visually impaired) will be given weightage/ concession upto 10% for placement in the merit list for admission to various courses other than the courses where admissions are made on the basis of a competitive examination of the University. Physically handicapped candidates will be registered by the College in the first instance and thereafter their applications will be forwarded direct to CMO, WUS Health Centre (Main Campus).
Section 4(1)(b)(xiv)
Information available in Electronic Form
* Details in respect of the information is available at - http://jdm.du.ac.in
Section 4(1)(b)(xv)
Means, Methods and facilities available for obtaining information
- Through the notice boards, relevant brochures, University Calendars and various other rules which are available in print as well as on the website http://jdm.du.ac.in
- Some of the publications (College Prospectus) is priced and can be obtained by paying the stipulated amount.
- Unpriced information for the general public is disseminated occasionally through press releases, advertisements etc. These are available on the college website - http://jdm.du.ac.in
Address of the College
- Office of the Principal, Janki Devi Memorial College, University of Delhi, Delhi - 110060
Working Hours of the College
- Office: 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
- Teaching: 8.40 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. (Monday to Saturday in accordance to the time-table)
Section 4(1)(b)(xvi)
Dr. Jitender Gill

Principal - Dr. Swati Pal
Section 4(1)(b)(xvii)
Other Information
The college website (http://jdm.du.ac.in), the University of Delhi website (www.du.ac.in) are the repository of information.
The person seeking of the information may apply on a plain paper giving particulars of information being sought and his/her correct address for communication. Separate applications for seeking information on different subjects are required. The application has to be accompanied with the prescribed fee (at present a fee of Rs. 10/-). The fee is payable with each application which is towards the cost of processing the request.
The schedule of fees can be obtained from the Public Information Officer of the University of Delhi. For the time being the rates are as follows:-
- Rs. 2/- per page of A-4 or A-5 size.
- Actual cost for sizes bigger than A-4 or A-5.
- In case of printed material, the printed copies could be had from the college sales counter.
- In case of photo copies, the rate would be Rs. 2/- per page.
- If information is needed on a disk or floppy subject to availability of information in soft form, the fee will be Rs. 50/- per disk/floppy.
- Admissible records may be allowed to be inspected on payment of Rs.150/- per hour or part thereof, before the date and time of inspection of the same.
A major portion of the information will be available from the University Calendars Volumes I & II, and other rules as applicable to the college from time to time and printed syllabi for various courses.
- Internal Assessment Click Here
- Maintenance of Discipline and Prohibition of & Punishment for Ragging Click Here
- Prohibition of & Punishment for Sexual Harassment - Click Here