EUPHONIE: Western Music Society
About the Society

Euphonie, the Western Music Society of Janki Devi Memorial College, performs with both A- Capella as well as traditional rock band formats. The society uses different music expressions- everything from folk music, the Blues, Alternative Rock, along with popular Hindi songs, to create a unique sound for their performances. Euphonie participates enthusiastically in the various cultural programs organized within the college for the Orientation Day, Symphony, Annual Day etc.
Western Music started as an event for Symphony, the annual college cultural festival, in 2005. The competition was generally issue/genre based such as Blues/ songs related to the idea of Revolution, etc. Right from the beginning, the event was a great hit and close to 14 colleges would participate in various categories such as solo, duet and group. Well- known rock bands such as Them Clones and Parikrama judged the competition. In these initial years, students interested in Western Music were identified. They rehearsed with the help of amateur trainers and very few instruments donated by faculty members. Gradually they began performing not just for inter- college fests where they bagged prizes, but for other events within the college. In 2007, the Western Music Society named Euphonie was formed. Thereafter, the students have participated and have won numerous prizes in inter- as well as intra- musical competitions like BITS Pilani, IIT Delhi, Tempest-Miranda House to name a few.
Apart from musical competitions the members also take special interest in various dramatic performances in which they participate as active members of Bardolators, the Shakespeare society of the college, with a special focus on the Shakespeare Society of India (SSI) National Competition. The members from Euphonie add a musical element to the Shakespearean proceedings by adapting to music choral voices, and musical forms of narratives which take the audience by surprise.