Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning:
- Lectures
- Tutorials
- Power-point presentations
- Documentary Films on relevant topics
- Movie screening :Classics and other sociologically meaningful films
- Excursions and walks within the city
- Outstation field trips to places like Jaipur, Udaipur, Dharamsala, Hyderabad, Vrindavan to study village and tribal life and other forms of socio-cultural diversity.
Capacity Building
1. Classroom Lectures
2. Conducting workshops, seminars, webinars, panel discussions
3. SOCH magazines
4. Research projects of both students and teachers
5. Mentor - Mentee

Student Progression
Our students diversify into varied fields. They pursue post-graduation in Sociology, Social Work, Law or Business Administration. They have qualified for DSE, DSW, TISS, JNU and other reputed institutions. Training in Sociology gives them an edge to compete for civil services and other competitive exams and helps them to diversify into varied professions.
A large number of students find suitable avenues in NGOs, (including Helpage India, Uday Foundation, Chetnalaya, Sahaya , Butterflies,) research organisations and in the HR wing of the corporate houses.
Student progression | Against % enrolled |
UG to P | Exact data not available for any of these categories. |
PG to M.Phil. | |
PG to Ph.D. | |
Ph.D. to Post-Doctoral | |
Entrepreneurship/Self-employment |
Students Progression
- 1. Vandana Kalsi, Delhi University M.A. Sociology
- 2. Rittika Choudhury, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda M.A. Sociology
- 3. Aradhana Nath, University of Hyderabad M.A. Sociology
- 4. Aditia Bordoloi, Banaras Hindu University, M.A. Sociology
- 5. Elangbam Tama, Manipur University M.A. Sociology
- 6. Shabana Ahmed, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi M.A Sociology
- 7. Ann Afreen, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi M.A. Mass Communication
- 8. Seema Talukdar, TISS, Guwahati M.A. Ecology, Environment and Sustainable Development
- 9. Sangana Mudgal, TISS Hyderabad M.A. Women's Studies
- 10. Shivani Sharma, Bangalore University M. A. Sociology
- 11. AnubhutiBajpayi, IGNOU, Delhi M. A. Sociology
- 12. ShakshiKataria, IGNOU, Delhi M.A. Sociology
- 13. Srishti Kapoor, IGNOU, Delhi M. A. Sociology
- 14. Bhawna Verma, NIEPID, Noida(GGSIP University) B. Ed. in Special Education (Intellectual Disability)
- 15. Riya Kumar, Apeejay Institute Of Mass Communication, Delhi PG Diploma in Advertising and Marketing Communication
- 16. Shafali Nagar CCS University M.A. Sociology And preparing for UPSC
- 17. Gagana M Prasu, Athena School of Management, Mumbai Post Graduate Program In Management(PGPM)
- 18. Ningshirum Ramshan, SAIACS, Bangalore Integrated Master of theology.
- 19. Sana Khan Preparing for Civil Services
- 20. Amisha Singh. Training with Wipro Ltd.
- 21. Aasavari Chaturvedi, Working as Monitoring and Evaluation Executive with NIIT Foundation
- 22. Muskan Arora, Working at Freeskout
- 23. Shreya, Interning with Bar Raiser
- 24. Harshita Preparing for CDS.
Awards and Recognition
Vandana Madan
June 29, 2020
Received a Certificate of recognition from the University of Muenster, Germany, as lead coordinator for implementation of the Bystander Intervention Program RISE, from January 2018 to March 2020 at the Janki Devi Memorial College.
February 2015
Received an Award of recognition from ECORYS -INDIA for mentorship during the WEST Programme implemented by the Government of the Netherlands
September 7, 2009
Awarded by the Delhi University, as recognition for being one of the two Distinguished Teachers of Sociology at the Undergraduate level of teaching in Sociology at the University of Delhi
March 8, 2008
Received the International Women's Day Award from the Women's International Network, New Delhi, for work in the field of environment
Curriculum Development
Dr. Ruby Bhardwaj
Audited the course structure and curriculum for BA (Hons) Sociology NorthCap University
Faculty Research Projects
Ms Vandana Madan
Working on a Minor project titled "Emotional Intelligence and its impact on stress levels of Faculty Members and Students in Higher Educational Institutions in India", funded by TLC, Ramanujan College.
Dr Ruby Bhardwaj
1. Working on the project Challenges to Mothering: Case Studies of Adoption and ARTalong with Dr Rajyalakshmi and Ms Nirmala Muralidhar for which the seed money has been provided by the college.
Working as a project coordinator along with Mrs. Nirmala Muralidhar (HDFE) on the project entitled 'Building Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Young Adults' for which the seed money has been provided by the college.
Dr. V. Rajyalakshmi
1. Research on 'Challenges to Mothering: Case Studies of Adoption and Art', with Dr Ruby Bhardwaj,
2. Research Project on 'Witches: Subject of India's Cultural Ambivalence' with Dr Jitender Gill, and
3. Research project by ICSSR. The project title 'Political Ethos of Delhi - Making a Case for Gender Inclusive Governance
Student Research Projects
There are four field-based research projects ongoing in the Department, the seed money for which has been procured from the college. The third- and second-years students are working on these projects.
1. Ritual, Taboos and Practices in Menstruation (Teacher Coordinator-Ms Charu Kala and Dr Kanika Kakar)
2. Representation of Gender in Advertisements (Teacher Coordinator-Dr Rajyalakshmi)
3. Perception and Challenges of disability (Teacher Coordinator-Ms Charu Kala)
4. Handmade in India: A Research on Craft Markets in a Changing World (Teacher Coordinator -Dr Kanika Kakar)
Best Practices
The faculty of Sociology department has been a part of various committees and workshops at the university level for formulation and revision of syllabus for the B.A. (Hons.) students.
Individual attention and personalized guidance are the hallmark of department. Tutorials as well as lectures are held stringently as per the schedule laid out in the time-table. Students receive personal attention during the tutorials. The Department engages with the parents of the students either in person or telephonically especially in case of students who are irregular with attending classes or with their assignments. Parent-teacher interaction is welcomed by the parents and it helps improve students' commitment.
The department has always relied upon multiple pedagogical tools that go beyond class room teaching. Field trips have been organized to places like Jaipur, Udaipur, Hyderabad and Vrindavan. A detailed research proposal was prepared by the students to study relevant issues.
Besides field trip, walks and excursions within the city are also organized from time to time.
Screening of films, both documentaries and mainstream followed by discussion is an engaging way to study issues like racism, (Mississippi Burning), global warming (The Inconvenient Truth) problems related to urban and industrial society ( Gold Rush).
Preparation of projects and their presentation help the students to research on issues that interest them. Some of them have collected first hand data from Kathputli Colony, surrogate mothers, women entrepreneurs, political behavior of the youth and other issues of social concern.
Interaction with eminent scholars, social workers, writers also help widen their horizons of learning.
Students from the Sociology department have topped and secured university positions. The analysis of the input-output shows very clearly that while students are admitted with far less cut-offs, their results are almost at par with other colleges of the North Campus. Our students regularly find themselves being selected at TISS, Delhi School of Economics, Delhi School of Social Work, JNU, Ambedkar University and other reputed universities. Training in Sociology opens up avenues in law, journalism, social work and research and HR departments of various reputed organizations.
Studying sociology trains the students to be more sensitive towards contemporary issues relating to caste, class, gender and other differences. The students are well versed in dealing with the issues pertaining to cities, industries, environment, increasing their employability in varied fields.
Sociology helps foster creativity, innovation, critical thinking, analytic problem-solving and communication skills. A graduate with a Sociology degree will have a foundation for better understanding of engagement with the global issues.
There is a paucity of reading material for Hindi medium students. Secondly, since most students have not studied Sociology at the school level, it is a challenge to start afresh at the under-graduate level where most of the students have been trained in commerce or science.
- Department e -magazine called SOCH
- Add-on courses
- Constant Exposure of Students through Talks by Experts.
Add-on Course- Safe Cities and Inclusiveness
The Department of Sociology, JDMC Add-on course, Safe Cities and Inclusivenesswhere the department collaborated with NGOS and other Governmental organisations likeJagori, Delhi Commission for Women (DCW),The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), Break Through and University of Münster.

Add on course: Empowerment and change: Role of civil society and state
The department also conducted and add on course for the department of Sociology from August to November 2018.

Add on course on Ethnography and techniques of ethnographic documentation
The department initiated and add on course on 2021 April on Ethnography and techniques of ethnographic documentation.